Sunday, April 8, 2007

My greatest love - Natasha lakaev

How does one reply to an email like the one I've just read. With the actual truth!

You know Deanna Lizeta Reginato I never liked you nor the influence you had over the woman I loved. This woman was a truly dedicated passionate and loyal woman. A harder worker you would never find. If anything she worked too hard. If her friends needed anything she would stop her life and help them without regard to her own family, husband or lovers. To the detriment of every relationship – even ours.

All I wanted was for you to be gone. You took too much time. Her time, my time, her children's time. But nothing was ever enough for you Deanna. Anytime of the day or night. You imposed yourself constantly. I know that both her husbands wanted you gone and when I finally heard you were gone I felt relief for this beautiful woman because I thought finally she will get a life. Get over her ailments and most importantly gain a strong relationship with a good man as long as you were not present to influence it.

This woman without a doubt was and is the love of my life. She fell pregnant with our child and all you were concerned about was your reputation. Not the amount we loved each other or our child. You didnt stop until she terminated. She did not want to affect anyone negatively by being gs o selfish. I myself was thrown into total guilt because of my inability to fend off your influence. She plummeted into terminal illness because she couldn't forgive herself. It is unbelievable and morally criminal everything you have written about her. Tell me Deanna, how well were you supported during your pregnancy, birthing process and then with your child? And not once did she so much as flinch over what you had done to her life, lover and family. You are a very low being. Your statements are a complete projection of you. Leave her alone.
But for sure it is obvious that you are not a part of a cult because you were the 'leader' while this woman relied on you for everything while dying. You changed the direction of that business. You twisted everything. God, I wish I had been stronger 11 years ago when I watched your tentacles spreading over everything.

You disgust me.

You are a liar. That woman's arse is untouched. It is beautiful. God, I wish I was back there.
As for you each time you approached me sexually you frightened and sickened me. Why don't you go away and wreak your damage elsewhere.

And please take your 'Charlie Hall' questions and leave alone.

I can smell your stench anywhere! I only wish those innocent parties could get away from you.
Natasha is untouched and a very fun gorgeous being. Currently I can see two very confused men reeling from your influence and most likely a child. I know I've never recovered from your influence. I hope the evidence comes forward to fully discredit you. You actually deserve it. Natasha will always tell the truth but you Deanna are never going to be capable of it. You feed off the happiness you generate and you never wish any relationship well not even your own
Why don't you look toward the light, God or whatever so you can climb out of the gutter.
Please stay away, no one wants you around. You are an ugly opportunist with no moral code. Look up the meaning of sociopath and get some help.

By the way, you could do with some lip and botox and don't forget cellulite treatment.
You are not a good person.

You take everything that is good and make it appear disgusting.
You see the world the way you actually are ... Remember that Deanna.
You used to teach it ....


The Truth about your Leader
Did you know that your leader recently made
$500 000 profit while nobody that worked for her was paid a cent!!
Did you know that your leader’s appearance of so called ‘youthing’ is not because of her accessing cellular memory but can be attributed to the fact that she regularly has botox injections and her perfect shaped bottom is the result of cellulite extraction (done while she was on one of her many overseas holidays).
Have you ever questioned why it’s that you are taught that the needs of your own
children should come above everything except for the needs of Natasha!! And her
children. Why is it that your so called psychic leader has to spend over
$1000 phoning a psychic hotline for advice.
Did you know that there has been scientific experiments done into the effects of accessing and it has been proven that although it makes you feel better in the short term, there are no long term benefits. Hence, you get caught in the cycle of having to access continuously and develop intolerances for even the smallest things. Have you ever wondered why you keep accessing the same things over and over sometimes year in year out?

Do you realise that the one person you have given your
power over to has a Narcissistic personality disorder with psychopathic
tendencies! She needs qualified treatment. Can you relate to the
following personality traits in your leader?
Lying is the most common trait in Narcissists and in many instances your leader regularly lies to manipulate and get what she wants, especially with her business dealings. Defects of empathy lead narcissist to wildly inaccurate misinterpretations of other people’s speech and actions.
A persuasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration and lack of empathy. The simplest way that narcissists show their exaggerated sense of self importance is by talking about family, work, life in general as if there is nobody else in the picture. Whatever they are doing in their own view they are the star, and they give the impression that they are bearing heroic responsibility for their family, that they have to take care or oversee everything. Furthermore they may inspire your sympathy or admiration for their stoicism in the face of self sacrifice for the good of others. How many hours have you sat in the lecture room and listened to your
leader speak about her family and her personal sacrifices.

The need to use physical violence to get what one wants. Of course your leader will tell you that you are responsible for everything that occurs to you so in fact you bought it on yourself!! Victims of your leader violence will openly admit
that they deserved a good beating. The physical violence that your leader
uses is not acceptable under any circumstances and is a criminal act.
Narcissists always blame other people for any problems. It is never
their fault. Have you ever heard your leader accept responsibility for
anything ever?

They have an exaggerated sense of self-importance e.g.
exaggerates achievements and talents. They also expect to be recognized as
superior without achievements. Did you know that narcissists are absurdly
vain in that their ambitions and asperations are much grander than their
evidence talents. Did you know that your leader food business was actually
sued for misrepresentation? Have a look on the internet!! Have you
ever had a close look at what your leader’s real qualifications are?
Did you know that Narcissists have a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty and ideal love?
Narcissists believe they are ‘special’ and can only be understood by, or should associate with other special people. Narcissists believe in a sense of entitlement i.e. they expect automatic compliance with their wishes.
Narcissists selfishly take advantageof others to achieve their own ends.
Narcissists lack empathy – they are unwilling to recognize or sympathies with other people’s feelings and needs. Narcissists exhibit arrogant, haughty, patronizing or contemptuous behaviors or attitudes. In other words they treat people like dirt!! Any person who makes $500 000 profit in one year and does not pay a cent to the people who work for her is treating them like dirt.
Did you know that the information that your leader has so called channeled is readily available in many published books around the world. What your leader teaches is not channeled from her and she has no right to claim it as her own. It is
universal knowledge and does not belong to her. For example, an exact copy
of one of the meditations that your leader has channeled is readily available.
Have you ever looked into scientology to see the similarities in teaching
practices and general principles? You would be amazed at how much of her
information has been directly taken from Scientology.

Your leader will always tell you you are at Omaroo of your own free will and you can leave at any time you wish. The truth of the matter is when you are under the influence of mind control you are imprisoned in your own fears and are not free to
leave. Did you know your leader is one of hundreds of leaders that
proclaim an Armageddon type event will occur possibly in our lifetime? It
is one of the methods she uses to keep you under control, dependant on her for
your survival. Did you know that there is another group called Kenja in very
close proximity to Omaroo that also has a leader who claims to have has special
powers, unique opportunities for personal growth?
Have you ever wondered why money is such a struggle for people doing PMC? Why, when you do so much visualizing about prosperity, money is hot just free flowing. Although you believe it is just around the corner, it might not be. In fact one day you may realise you have spent $30 000 to $100 000 or more doing courses and giving up good opportunities to otherwise invest your money, and you will never see that money again You may also realise how over priced these courses are when you compare the prices to similar courses available.